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House Ethics Committee Finds ‘Substantial Evidence’ Democrat Committed Crimes

The Democrat-controlled House Ethics committee found “substantial evidence” that a Democrat congressman has committed crimes.

The Congressman, Delegate Michael F.Q. San Nicolas of Guam who is a non-voting member of the body allegedly committed campaign finance crimes, The Daily Wire reports.

A statement from the committee read:

“At the completion of its investigation, the ISC unanimously concluded that there was substantial evidence that Delegate San Nicolas: accepted improper excessive campaign contributions; engaged in a conspiracy to hide the proceeds of the illicit campaign contributions; knowingly caused his campaign committee to file false or incomplete reports with the Federal Election Commission; and attempted to improperly influence a witness in connection with this Committee’s investigation… In light of the Delegate’s impending retirement from the House and the potential for expiration of applicable statutes of limitations, the ISC recommended that the Committee refer these allegations to the Department of Justice.”

The committee will not refer the matter to the Department of Justice for investigation into the criminal matter and possible charges.

The statement continued:

“The Committee on Ethics has unanimously voted to adopt the ISC’s report, and with it, refer the substantial evidence of potential violations of federal criminal law to the Department of Justice for such further action as it deems appropriate.”

This is not San Nicolas’s first run in with the committee. Under Republican leadership in 2019 an investigation was launched into his relationship with a congressional staffer.

The committee addressed this in 2019 stating:

“The Committee is aware of public allegations that Delegate Michael F. Q. San Nicolas may have engaged in a sexual relationship with an individual on his congressional staff, converted campaign funds to personal use, and/or accepted improper or excessive campaign contributions… The Committee, pursuant to Committee Rule 18(a), has begun an investigation and will gather additional information regarding the allegations.”

The allegation from a former chief of staff accused the congressman of hiring his mistress onto his congressional staff.

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