The Supreme Court ruled that Louisiana Republicans electoral map should be reinstated, The Daily Wire reports.
The Supreme Court has recently gutted the regulatory state, bolstered the Second Amendment, ruled against abortion, and for prayer, so the Congressional map being reinstated is another win to the long list.
The Daily Wire reported:
A lower court judge had previously said the map likely diluted black votes and ordered the state legislature “to add a second majority-Black district – citing the state’s ‘repugnant history’ of discrimination,” CNN reported.
The court’s brief order on Tuesday “blocked the judge’s ruling and granted a petition seeking review in the case,” CNN said. “The justices will, the order said, hold the Louisiana case while the court decides a similar one from Alabama in its next term.”
Justices Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan dissented, according to the order.
Supreme Court Front View via Senate Democrats Wikimedia Commons
The Supreme Court will now go into recess until another term begins in October.
The 2021 term say the GOP rack up win after win and draw criticism while doing so.
It has just been reported that the Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case that could send more power to the states in conducting elections.
This could reshape how federal elections are held.
Many argue that giving power to the federal government to hold elections is the only way to regulate them properly. While conversely others argue that keeping the power to conduct elections at the state level protects the system from impropriety.
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