[Photo Credit: By The White House - P20220106CS-1414, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=116422691]

New Poll Shows Biden Neck and Neck with Trump

According to a New York Times/Siena College survey, President Biden is reportedly entering the 2024 presidential race on more solid ground than he was a year ago, with his approval rating ticking up and once-uncertain Democrats lining up behind his reelection quest.

When roughly two-thirds of his party preferred a different nominee last year, Mr. Biden appeared to have left the political danger zone he was in.

Even if half of Democrats would rather have someone else as their standard-bearer, he is now widely acknowledged as that position.

Even still, there are plenty of red flags for the president: His popularity rating is just 39%, and despite his better status and a more welcoming climate at home, Mr. Biden is still mostly unpopular with those who are gloomy about the future of the nation.

The poll’s finding that Mr. Biden and former President Donald J. Trump were neck and neck was perhaps the most concerning for Democrats.

In a hypothetical rematch in 2024, Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump were deadlocked at 43% each, according to the survey.

16 percent of those surveyed held negative opinions of both Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump well over a year before the election; in this group, Mr. Biden enjoyed a slim advantage.

26 percent of respondents were in favor of Kamala Harris running for president in 2024.

64 percent of Democrats who intended to vote in their party’s primary supported Mr. Biden, which is a sign of moderate support for an incumbent president. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was selected by 13% of voters, while Marianne Williamson was picked by 10%.

[READ MORE: New Poll Shows Trump 37 Points Ahead of DeSantis in Primary Race]
