[Photo Credit: By Io0m3R2048 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=93851521]

Pro-Trump Activist Laura Loomer Launches Vicious Attack Against Marjorie Taylor Greene

This week, hardline GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and pro-Trump far-right activist Laura Loomer reportedly escalated their longstanding dispute with a strongly worded tweet in which Loomer referred to Greene as a “CON WOMAN.”

When Loomer shared a video of the two of them at his Bedminster, New Jersey club in the middle of August, Trump received strange looks.

Greene vehemently objected on Thursday to the harsh prison term imposed on Proud Boys organizer Joseph Biggs for his behavior on January 6th.

“If Biggs had plead guilty to planning to kill a member of congress he would have only gotten 3 months like the man in NY in my case did, but no he gets 17 years for being mad about the election and going in the Capitol,” Greene wrote in a tweet.

“You could have done something about it but you didn’t. I was at the Proud Boys trial and raised money to help Joe’s legal defense fund. He’s a combat veteran from Florida and a friend of mine. I know for a fact that his legal team contacted your office and asked for assistance and you never Helped him because they told me. And so did Joe.” Loomer responded angrily.

“So save your faux outrage @mtgreenee. You want to help? Go release the damn J6 tapes like you said you did, said you would, and never did. You are a CON WOMAN,” she continued.

Online arguments between Loomer and Greene have occurred in the past, with Greene taking the lead in denouncing the far-right activist despite rumors that Trump was considering recruiting Loomer as a member of his campaign staff.

Trump ultimately decided not to hire Loomer after a quick outcry. Since then, Loomer has intensified her criticism of Greene, which has taken on an increasingly personal flavor.

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