[Photo Credit: By Metropolitan Transportation Authority from United States of America - Penn Access, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=127075011]

AOC to Introduce New Legislation to Undermine Supreme Court

In response to the heightened ethics concerns regarding the Supreme Court, Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) reportedly announced on Tuesday that they will introduce legislation.

On Tuesday, the House Oversight Committee’s ranking and vice-ranking members, Ocasio-Cortez and Raskin, participated in a committee roundtable that addressed these concerns.

“They investigated a variety of “paths” for holding Supreme Court justices accountable,” they informed MSNBC anchor Chris Hayes.

“And so, it is not a question…of if Congress has jurisdiction and power over the Supreme Court. It is, what power are we going to exercise in order to rein in a fundamentally unaccountable and rogue court?” AOC said.

“Congressman Raskin and myself will be introducing forthcoming legislation to even have the Supreme Court be subject to the same $50 gift rule that he and I are subject to, as everyone else who are members of Congress,” she continued.

In the past year, the Supreme Court has been the subject of scrutiny as a result of a series of reports that have disclosed a variety of undisclosed luxury vacations, gifts, and questionable extrajudicial activities that involved multiple justices.

The allegations heightened interest in the oversight of the justices’ behavior and the gifts they accept by Congress.

The Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats have consistently advocated for legislation that would enhance the Supreme Court’s oversight.

Last month, this pressure was exacerbated by reports of a pair of flags that were flown over the homes of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito.

One of the flags was an upside-down American flag that was placed over his Alexandria, Virginia, residence in the days leading up to President Biden’s inauguration on January 6, 2021.

Earlier on Tuesday, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) informed reporters that Democrats intend to attempt to introduce legislation on Supreme Court ethics on the floor this week through unanimous consent.

It is widely anticipated that a Republican senator will decline to grant consent.

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