[Photo Credit: By Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America - Donald Trump, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=114373387]

Trump Reveals He’s Added Brand New Name to his VP List

Former President Donald Trump met with Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin for the first time on Thursday and emerged from the meeting with the impression that the governor is now on his list of candidates to consider as his vice presidential running mate.

The two engaged in a conversation regarding the necessary steps to convert the state to red for the 2024 presidential election, following its previous support for the Democratic candidate through multiple cycles.

Trump and President Joe Biden are currently tied in the state with 48% each, according to recent polling.

This is a significant development, as Biden defeated Trump by 10 points in 2020 in the state.

It is unclear whether Trump is genuinely considering Youngkin as a vice presidential candidate, as there have been no prior reports of his campaign contacting the governor for information.

The campaign has contacted a number of candidates, such as Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), former Cabinet member Ben Carson, and others, to request documentation in anticipation of Trump’s selection.

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