[Photo Credit: By Senate Democrats - https://www.flickr.com/photos/sdmc/46295509214/in/datetaken/, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=90581739]

AOC Comes Out in Support of Biden

In response to growing calls from Democrats for President Biden to resign from his position as the party’s presumed contender for the White House, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) reiterated her support for him on Monday.

Ocasio-Cortez’s declaration of support coincides with the party’s attempt to figure out how to proceed following Biden’s dismal debate performance, which raised questions about whether he is the most qualified opponent of outgoing President Trump in November.

“I have spoken to the president over the weekend. I have spoken with him extensively. He made clear then — and he has made clear since — that he is in this race.” she said in a statement to reporters.

“The matter is closed. He had reiterated that this morning. He has reiterated that to the public. Joe Biden is our nominee. He is not leaving this race. He is in this race, and I support him.” she continued.

The 81-year-old incumbent has been under fire from at least six House Democrats who have publicly called for his resignation; other Democrats have voiced similar opinions in private.

Meanwhile, a number of Democrats, notably prominent members of the Congressional Black Caucus and Congressional Hispanic Caucus, have intensified their backing for Biden.

Biden has also dug in his heels. He has vowed to stay in the campaign and has dismissed calls for him to do so as coming from party “elites” rather than regular voters.

He also issued a challenge to others in a Monday phone conversation with MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

Ocasio-Cortez reaffirmed her support for the incumbent by drawing a comparison between Biden and Trump.

[READ MORE: New Poll Shows Potential Clinton-Harris Ticket Does Better Against Trump Than Biden-Harris]
