[Photo Credit: by Gage Skidmore]

New Poll Shows Potential Clinton-Harris Ticket Does Better Against Trump Than Biden-Harris

In light of ongoing doubts about President Joe Biden’s capacity to lead the campaign, a recent survey determined that the Clinton-Harris ticket is the best Democratic choice to unseat former President Donald Trump in the next presidential election.

The Bendixen & Amandi survey explored several possible tickets against Trump and provided a range of alternatives for the Democratic nominee.

The poll indicates that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the 2016 presidential candidate, tops both Biden and Harris, beating Trump 43 percent to 41 percent.

If Vice President Kamala Harris were the contender, she would lead Trump by a close margin of 42 percent to 41 percent.

With a four-point advantage over Biden-Harris and 43 percent of the vote against Trump, the survey indicates that a Clinton-Harris combination is the front-runner.

Even though she seemed appealing, Clinton declared she would not seek for office again.

In the event that Biden steps down, the poll also looked at other Democratic candidates.

Trump was behind both Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and California Governor Gavin Newsom by three and four points, respectively.

[READ MORE: VP Hopeful J.D. Vance Obliterates NBC Host Over Biden’s Legal Targeting of Trump]
