[Photo Credit: by Gage Skidmore]

REPORT: Biden to Push for Radical Left-Wing ‘Reforms’ at Supreme Court

It has been claimed that President Joe Biden reportedly intends to propose significant, and radical modifications to the Supreme Court following years of attempting to undermine it.

Biden reportedly intends to support efforts to impose term limits on the Supreme Court and adopt an enforceable code of ethics for justices, all things not envisioned by the framers of the Constitution.

The endeavor might encompass more modifications in addition to advocating for a constitutional amendment that would revoke the extensive immunity granted to constitutional office holders, including the president and justices of the Supreme Court.

For years, especially since the Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade and later declared that presidents are exempt from prosecution for using their fundamental constitutional powers, the left wing of the Democratic Party has been pressuring the president to take tough measures against the court.

Over the weekend, during a call with the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Biden laid out his objectives.

It’s uncertain if Biden’s suggested improvements would be feasible right now.

Since Republicans control the House of Representatives, obtaining congressional approval for the modifications would probably be necessary. Making any of the proposed changes extremely unlikely to pass while the current congress is in session.

The move does plant an ominous flag for where the Democratic party is headed in the future however.

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