[Photo Credit: by Gage Skidmore]

REPORT: Biden Now ‘Receptive’ to Ending His Campaign

According to new reports, President Joe Biden is now “receptive” to the notion of abandoning his bid for president and paving the way for Vice President Kamala Harris to be the party’s nominee.

CNN was informed by many Democratic Party insiders that as more and more Democrats call for Biden to go, the conversational tone with him is starting to shift.

The private conversations with the Hill are continuing. He’s being receptive. Not as defiant as he is publicly.” a source told CNN.

In an interview that was made public on Wednesday, Biden stated that he would consider resigning if a “medical condition” were to be identified by one of his doctors.

The report coincides with separate reports that Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) pushed Biden to abandon his reelection candidacy at a private meeting.

On Wednesday, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) openly urged Biden to halt his campaign early, stating that the country was “at a crossroads.”

He said that although Biden had to make the final call, it was now time for him to hand over the reins and “secure his legacy of leadership” by giving a Democrat the chance to defeat Trump.

[READ MORE: Schumer Demands Menendez Resign in Wake of Guilty Verdict]
