[Photo Credit: By Jwaugh3 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=96029061]

High Profile GOP Candidate Makes Shocking Confession About Abortion

GOP candidate for governor of North Carolina, Mark Robinson, seems to have shifted his views on abortion with the release of a new advertisement detailing his wife’s personal abortion experience.

“Thirty years ago, my wife and I made a very difficult decision. We had an abortion,”  Robinson revealed in a shocking new ad.

“It’s something that stays with me forever,” Robinson’s wife stated.

The abortion was a “solid pain” that Robinson and his wife “never spoke” about, causing him to become emotional. Robinson is currently the lieutenant governor of the Tar Heel State.

In addition, Robinson stated that he supports the state’s 12-week abortion law since it offers reasonable exceptions, such as safeguarding the mother’s life or in situations involving rape or incest.

The lieutenant governor had previously spoken out against the extreme and eaasy availability of abortion, but these remarks represent a change in tone on the subject, one that appears to mimic’s the GOP’s own significant shift on the issue.

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