[Photo Credit: by Gage Skidmore]

Bret Baier Blasts Kamala For Shameless Copying of Economic Policies From Trump

Bret Baier, the primary political anchor at Fox News, offered his own perspective on Kamala Harris’s economic agenda in a long-awaited speech on Friday.

Baier observed that Harris appears to be directly stealing policy advice from Donald Trump.

“It was a progressive pitch, and what we saw today from the vice president is not just a stark policy contrast with the plans laid out by former President Trump, but a stark vision of a wildly different economic reality and just reality in general. She took care to point out today that she sees the supply chain issues that started plaguing this country during Covid is largely, if not completely, fixed. She said it’s all better now. Two days ago, we heard the former president talk about how he sees them as being worse than ever.” anchor Gillian Turner said to begin the segment.

“Yeah, there’s a disconnect there, too. Also, when she talks about former President Trump’s plans to raise taxes, that’s not what he’s talking about. He’s talking about tariffs on, other countries, and their products coming in here so that the U.S. succeeds. I do need to give the vice president credit and the administration credit, for the negotiation on on pharma and drug prices,” Baier said.

“They have had success on big, specific medications and bringing those prices down in negotiations that you heard from President Biden just yesterday. She tapped into that as well. But again, there is this dance of getting away from Bidenomics, creating her own vision and yet accepting some of the positives of that she wants to claim as the strongest economy in the world. So I think we’re going to see a lot of this in Chicago next week.” he continued.

Baier was then subsequently requested to provide his opinion on whether Harris’s proposed prohibition of “price gouging” at the grocery store will be perceived as price controls by significant groups.

“That’s right. And it’s just not something that a lot of people we’re talking about economists here, but really people on the street, it hasn’t worked. President Nixon tried it. I remember Don Rumsfeld, former defense secretary at that time in the Nixon administration that was running price controls and just said it didn’t work,” he concluded.

[READ MORE: Kamala Under Fire After Announces Scheme for Soviet Style Price Controls]
