[Photo Credit: By The White House from Washington, DC - President Donald J. Trump participates in a Christmas Day video teleconference from the Oval Office, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=75403576]

GOP Volunteer Fired By Trump Campaign After Claiming New Hampshire is Lost for Republicans


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On Monday, a senior adviser to the Trump campaign announced that a prominent volunteer for former President Donald Trump in Massachusetts would cease to be involved in the campaign after he predicted a complete loss for Trump in New Hampshire.

The Trump campaign was incensed this week when former Massachusetts state GOP official Tom Mountain claimed in an email to other volunteers that the campaign had determined that New Hampshire is no longer a battleground state and that Trump was certain to lose by an even greater margin than in 2016 and 2020.

Brian Hughes, the senior adviser to the Trump campaign, declared in a statement on Monday that Mountain would no longer be associated with the campaign due to what he claimed was the false representation of the Trump campaign’s ongoing operation in New Hampshire.

“This isn’t true. President Trump’s campaign maintains an on-the-ground presence in New Hampshire, including staff and offices, while Kamala Harris is parachuting in because she knows that the Granite State is in play. We look forward to building on the momentum that we have grown since the primary and sending New Hampshire’s four electoral votes to President Trump’s column on November 5.” Hughes said.

In 2020, President Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump in New Hampshire by 7.2%, while Hillary Clinton defeated him by a mere 0.3% in 2016.

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