[Photo Credit: By Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America - Tucker Carlson, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=98022693]

GOP Leaders Blast Tucker Carlson After He Platforms Alleged ‘Holocaust Revisionist’

Tucker Carlson, a conservative media influencer, is now under fire from prominent Republican legislators who are condemning the close ally of former President Donald Trump for “platforming known Holocaust revisionists.”

The backlash is a result of Carlson’s interview with podcast historian Darryl Cooper on an episode of The Tucker Carlson Show, in which he referred to former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill as the “chief villain” of World War II, contending that he was the primary cause of the war’s outcome.

Cooper subsequently made controversial claims regarding the Holocaust, positing that it was an unintended consequence of Germany’s inability to manage the millions of captives of war, rather than a deliberate plan to exterminate the Jewish people.

According to Jewish Insider, Carlson’s decision to provide Cooper with a platform has elicited a great deal of anger among Republicans.

The outlet published comments from a number of prominent conservatives who criticized Carlson.

“Platforming known Holocaust revisionists is deeply disturbing. During my time in the State Assembly, I worked with Democrats and Republicans to ensure all students in New York received proper education on the Holocaust, something Mr. Cooper clearly never had.” Rep. Mike Lawler said.

“Hitler conducted mass genocide against the Jewish people and triggered the most deadly war in human history. There is no whitewashing this evil man’s history.” Republican Congressman Don Bacon added.

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