[Photo Credit: By U.S. Navy - https://www.dvidshub.net/image/6837357/2021-international-seapower-symposium, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=110299442]

Biden Navy Secretary Broke Law Special Counsel Reveals

The U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) announced on Thursday that Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro violated federal law by endorsing President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign and criticizing former President Donald Trump while abroad.

The OSC report asserted that Del Toro violated the Hatch Act during an event on January 25, when he stated that the country requires a “mature” leader such as Biden and cannot afford a president who aligns with “autocratic dictators.”

The Hatch Act prohibits U.S. officials from engaging in political activities while on assignment.

Del Toro also participated in an interview with “BBC News Sunday” on the same day as the January event, during which he appeared to make a comment that was critical of Trump.

According to the report, Del Toro disclosed his remarks that were made during his BBC News interview to the special counsel on February 1.

He asserted that his responses should have been more general in nature, without reference to specific candidates, and that he intended to “respond with a focus on national security and the importance of strong international alliances.”

Del Toro’s self-reporting did not absolve him of any malfeasance, according to the OSC.

Possible penalties for violating the Hatch Act include removal, demotion, reprimand, or a civil sanction of up to $1,000.

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