[Photo Credit: By Chris Phan (Clipdude) - own work, also available on Flickr[1], CC BY 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1364338]

Illegal Immigrant Charged With Impersonating American in Order to Vote in Election

An illegal immigrant from Guatemala was reportedly charged by the Department of Justice (DOJ) with the theft of an American citizen’s identity and the illegal voting in American elections.

Angelica Maria Francisco, a 42-year-old Guatemalan national who is unlawfully residing in Alabama, was charged by the Justice Department after it was discovered that she had illegally voted in both the 2016 and 2020 primary and general elections, despite not being an American citizen.

Francisco was charged with “false claims of citizenship in connection with voting, false statements in application for a United States passport, use of a United States passport obtained by false statements, and aggravated identity theft,” according to a press release from the Department of Justice.

Francisco has consented to the filing of a guilty plea to all charges.

The plea agreement discloses that the Guatemalan national unlawfully assumed the identity of an American citizen in approximately 2011. Subsequently, the individual employed this identity to unlawfully obtain a passport and register to vote.

The Department of Justice’s allegation is presented at a time when Republicans in the House and Senate are endeavoring to enact the SAVE Act, a piece of legislation that is designed to enhance the protection of federal elections from illegal immigrant voting.

Some swing states could be disproportionately impacted by fraudulent voting by illegal immigrants or a mass amnesty that enables those who are unlawfully in the country to become citizens and vote in our elections.

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