[Photo Credit: By DHSgov - https://www.flickr.com/photos/126057486@N04/53332313351/, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=140816600]

Senator Susan Collins Claims She Will Write in Haley Instead of Casting Vote for Trump

Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) will reportedly not vote for former President Trump; instead, her office revealed on Friday that Collins intends to write-in her vote for former US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley to be the next president.

On Friday, Collins shared her ideas for the general election with a Portland, Maine-based photojournalist for CBS and Fox.

Collins had already stated that she would not be voting for Trump in November, but only a few days before the Republican National Convention began in Milwaukee, her remarks on Friday attracted more attention.

Earlier this year, in the Republican presidential race, the senator from Maine supported Haley over Trump.

She cast a vote in favor of Trump’s conviction in his second impeachment trial.

Additionally, she declared that she would not be voting for the former president in late March, following Trump’s seizing of the delegates required for the GOP candidacy.

Collins remained silent when asked how she would vote in the first-ever presidential contest between Trump and Biden in 2020.

That year, she was running for reelection herself.

Even though Biden received 53% of the vote in Maine in 2020, Collins was able to win reelection.

In a state where her party’s presidential nominee was defeated in either 2016 or 2020, she is the only sitting senator from that party to be reelected.

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