[Photo Credit: By VOA Persian News Network - https://ir.voanews.com/a/protest-to-rouhani-/4037397.html, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=116379542]

John Bolton Downplays Idea that Trump is Somehow a Threat to Democracy

John Bolton, the former national security adviser, denied allegations that former President Trump poses a “threat” to democracy and emphasized that the U.S. Constitution will withstand any and all challenges to it.

Bolton’s stance contrasted directly with the views of many liberals, who have continued to claim Trump somehow poses a threat to American democracy.

“And I don’t agree with the idea that somehow the Constitution is such a piece of weak paper that Donald Trump is a threat to it. Donald Trump will cause a lot of damage if he is elected in a second term. He is not an existential threat to American democracy. If you really think that, you must think this country isn’t worth much,” Bolton said during a recent CNN interview.

“Because, we’ve gone 235 years with this Constitution. We’ve survived a lot worse than Donald Trump. And this kind of comment undercuts those who are trying to see Trump put in this place,” he continued.

Bolton is notorious for his neoconservative views, which many have criticized as constituting a kind of ‘warmongering.’

Bolton also underscored, however, that he would not support an individual with whom he has such significant disagreements, and revealed he planned on writing in the name of former Vice-President Dick Cheney instead of voting for Trump or Harris.

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