[Photo Credit: By The White House - P20210729CS-0032, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=109883785]

Biden Promotes Press Secretary Jean-Pierre to New Top Role in Administration

On Monday, Karine Jean-Pierre, the press secretary of the White House, was reportedly promoted to the position of senior adviser to the president.

Jean-Pierre will assume the position “effective immediately” while continuing to serve as press secretary, according to ABC News.

This would be the first time in decades that a senior adviser has also served as a press secretary.

Reports from earlier this year indicated that there were internal initiatives to remove Jean-Pierre from his position as press secretary.

In April, the New York Post reported that Biden insiders, such as Zients and longstanding senior adviser Anita Dunn, were recruiting prominent Democrats to persuade Jean-Pierre to resign after what they perceived as a failed job.

The press secretary was unable to provide the quick-thinking response required in the role due to her excessive reliance on her notes, according to sources who spoke with the Post.

At the time, Andrew Bates, the deputy press secretary of the White House, denied the allegations.

Additionally, Jean-Pierre has encountered numerous instances of press controversy since commencing his employment in May 2022.

The press has consistently criticized her for declining to respond to inquiries about contentious matters, including Biden’s age and health.

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